Restore Our Union Series

Explicitly evidenced via the 2020 election fiasco,  the US Democratic Party, big business (social media), radical leftest organizations (Black Lives Matter and others sponsored by George Sores and other billionaires) and All Major Media being aligned in suppressing hard evidence of election fraud and anything negative concerning the Biden Team.  This is pure and simple Fascism in the making...  

Stop and think for a moment; racism is shouted, cancel culture is arising, the collective is emphasized through socialistic & communistic values and big business in all areas is being brought inline...

The Restore Our Union Series will be examining the current political & economic state of our nation to enable us (the individual citizenry) to formulate solution that can reinstate our individual liberties as setup by our founders and provide security for our fundamental rights from abrogation or perversion by the nefarious.

Go to the Restore Our Union Series pages for more