Why Call for An Article V  Convention Of The States? image
Why Should our State call for an Article V  Convention to propose Amendments?

ANSWER: Because ALL of US ARE CREATED EQUAL and Our Creator Gave Us the Unalienable Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness !!!

Working together We The People can bring the USA back into compliance of this fundamental principle.

The federal government is out of control, operating far beyond the scope of its specific, enumerated powers. Simply trying to elect "the right people" is a strategy that has proven unsuccessful.

The problems we now face are the result of constitutional noncompliance through interpretations that subjectively capitalize on ambiguities in the wording of some phrases (i.e. the General Welfare Clause or Commerce Clause and others). If we correct these ambiguities by clarifying the Founding Father's original intentions regarding the limitations of federal power, we can restore the federal government to its proper, limited role.

An Article V Convention of the States is the very recourse given to us by the Founding Fathers to correct a federal government that abuses its powers. Our Founders recognized the probability that the federal government would one day become oppressive and they knew that should the federal government become tyrannical; it would never propose the kind of amendments that would put a stop to its own tyranny. That is why they entrusted us with this process to restore the balance of power between the federal and state governments.

An Article V Convention of the States can restore power that is rightfully We The Peoples’ under the Constitution.

There are some who say an Article V Convention of the States is just some kooky idea dreamed up by some fringe group. Just a few years ago the Convention of the States was just an idea. As of July 2020, these 15 states; Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Utah and Mississippi have passed the Convention of the States Action Resolution in both houses and made application to Congress to call for an Article V Convention of the States.

Victor Hugo once wrote " There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come and this idea is way over do! "

This is a grass roots movement that is rapidly growing.

You have a historic role to play. You can become one of the Re-founding Mothers and Fathers of this nation.

BE One Of The US Citizen Protecting Our Right to Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness !